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Project Overview

All about projects: Set up, manage, delete etc.

Joe Scanlon avatar
Written by Joe Scanlon
Updated over a week ago

What is a project?

A project is a dedicated space where your users report their website feedback. A project can be created directly on without an integration, or you can integrate with your favorite issue tracker or project management tools.

Add a project

To add a project, click "Create Project", enter your project name and the website where you'd like to collect feedback.

Select your preferred integration. If you don't use one of our integrations, you may continue without one.

If connecting to an integration, select an area within that tool to log your website feedback and select "Create project". See the below example using Jira.

See our integration helpdesk area for help setting up your integrations.

  • If you continue without an integration, select "Create project".

Project Settings

Project notifications

We provide slack and email notification capabilities. Check here for our various options and how you can edit them.

Widget appearance

Change widget color, text & position, or use custom branding? Check our widget appearance guide.

Configure forms

We encourage you to read through the following articles to understand our user roles and their interactions

Map your reporters to our user roles, and select the feedback fields you like to present to them, all explained in our widget forms guide.

Install widget

You have several options to install our widget on your website. We generally recommend the javascript snippet code. Check all installation options here.

Website feedback

When a reporter clicks on the widget, they are presented with a crisp screenshot and a feedback form.

We automatically include a lot of technical information and provide a feedback page where the reporter can monitor the feedback, add comments, upload files and view the status of each feedback.

See our feedback guide for more info.

Invite users to a Project

Check our User Roles guide and Feedback Visibility, Communication, and Collaboration for details of our user roles.

Why invite users?

  • If you expect someone to report a lot of website feedback, consider inviting them as a guest. They will see an overview of their feedback and feedback from other guests.

  • If you have internal users that wish to give more detailed feedback, consider adding them as members.

How to invite people to your account

Check out the user roles guide to invite people to your account.

Archive a project

When you archive your project, you disable feedback reporting and remove the project from the dashboard. Unlike when you delete a project, an archive it allows you to restore it later.

To archive a project, go under the project General settings > Archive.

Alternatively, you can archive projects from your dashboard view.

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Delete a project

When you delete your project, you permanently delete it along with all its feedback and settings.

To delete a project, go under the project General settings > Delete.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I set up two separate projects, one with and one without an integration?

Yes, you can set up as many projects as you wish

Can I link my no-integration project to an integration later on?

Not right now, but it’s something we are planning to build out in the future. Please let us know if this feature is important to you in the chat.

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