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Audit Logs

Identifying potential security issues, investigating suspicious behavior, and troubleshooting access

Emile-Victor Portenart avatar
Written by Emile-Victor Portenart
Updated this week

Audit Logs are a key security feature of To keep your account as secure as possible, check out our detailed guide:

What Are Audit Logs?

Audit Logs are detailed records of important events that happen within your account. They track actions like creating or deleting issues, updating projects, and changes in user settings. These logs help you:

  • Spot Security Issues: Identify unauthorized access or suspicious activities.

  • Ensure Accountability: Know who did what and when.

  • Stay Compliant: Maintain records to meet regulatory requirements.

  • Troubleshoot Problems: Trace the sequence of actions that led to an issue.

  • Promote Transparency: Keep a clear view of changes made within your workspace.

Enterprise feature

To enable Audit logs on your workspace, contact us for a demo ->

List of Events Tracked

Below is a summary of the key events you can find in your audit logs. We’ve grouped them by category for easy reference:

Issue Tracking Events:

  • Issue Created: Records when a new issue is created.

  • Issue Creation Failed: Logs when an attempt to create an issue doesn’t work.

  • Issue Deleted: Notes when an issue is removed.

  • Issue Status Updated: Tracks updates to the status of an issue (like "Open" to "Resolved").

  • Comment Published: Logs when a user adds a comment to an issue.

  • Comment Updated: Tracks changes made to an existing comment.

  • Comment Deleted: Logs when a comment is removed.


  • Project Created: A user successfully created a project.

  • Project Updated: A user updated the details of a project.

  • Project Deleted: A user deleted a project.

  • Project Archived: A user archived a project.

  • Project Unarchived: A user unarchived a project.

  • Project Widget Installed: A user installed a widget on a project.

  • Project User Invited: A user invited another user to join a project.

  • Project User Invitation Failed: A project user invitation attempt failed.

  • Project User Removed: A user removed another user from a project.

  • Project Group Updated: A user updated the group associated with a project.

  • Project Export Requested: A user requested an export of project issues.


  • Workspace Created: A user successfully created a workspace.

  • Workspace Deleted: A user deleted a workspace.

  • Workspace Domain Join Added: A domain join was added to the workspace.

  • Workspace Domain Join Removed: A domain join was removed from the workspace.

  • Workspace User Joined: A user joined the workspace.

  • Workspace User Join Failed: A user attempt to join the workspace failed.

  • Workspace User Left: A user left the workspace.

  • Workspace User Invited: A user invited another user to join the workspace.

  • Workspace User Invitation Failed: A workspace user invitation attempt failed.

  • Workspace User Role Updated: A user updated the role of another user in the workspace.

  • Workspace User Removed: A user removed another user from the workspace.

  • Workspace Integration Shared Account Connected: A shared account integration was connected to the workspace.

  • Workspace Integration Shared Account Connection Failed: A shared account integration connection attempt failed.

  • Workspace Integration Shared Account Deleted: A shared account integration was deleted from the workspace.


  • User Updated: A user updated their profile.

  • User Deleted: A user deleted their profile.

  • User Password Updated: A user updated their password.

  • User Password Recovery Requested: A user requested a password recovery.

  • User Integration Account Connected: A user connected an integration account.

  • User Integration Account Deleted: A user deleted an integration account.

  • User Email Verified: A user verified their email address.

  • User Login: A user successfully logged in.

  • User Login Failed: A user login attempt failed.

  • User Login Code Requested: A user requested a login code.

  • User Logout: A user successfully logged out.


You can download an example of our audit logs: Audit logs events example.csv

How to Access and Download Audit Logs

  1. Go to Settings: Open your account and click on Settings.

  2. Select Audit Logs: In the settings menu, choose Audit Logs.

  3. Download as CSV: Click the download button to get the logs in CSV format for easy analysis.

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