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Console logs

Learn how your widget can record client-side Javascript errors

Gary Gaspar avatar
Written by Gary Gaspar
Updated over a week ago

Reproduce bugs faster with our console log recorder.

Console logs overview

Enable the console log recorder inside your widget settings. Every time someone reports a bug, your widget will record Client-side JavaScript errors and logs of that exact moment and that exact issue.

These console logs attach to any ticket submitted and delivered to your issue tracking or project management tool.

Enable the console logs recorder

You must be on the Team plan or above to enable console logs.

Navigate to your project settings > Widget > Metadata > Console logs.

Ensure your widget is installed and linked to at least one website domain. For best results, we recommend installing the widget via JavaScript snippet code. If you cannot access your code, you can use the browser extension. See here for more details on capturing advanced information using the browser extension.

Once the widget is enabled, your reporters can start sending in feedback. All console logs will be automatically attached to any issue and ticket.

Explore console logs

When developers open their assigned issue, they see if any relevant console logs are available. Any errors, warnings, and other info will be mentioned in this link.

You can now click this link to see the full console logs as they were at the moment of the capture. It is like freezing the bug in time.

For developers, this is a great time and energy saver! There is no more unnecessary back and forth, no more repeatedly asking for the same things, and a more efficient workflow.

Supported console log types

Currently, allows recording the following types of logs:

  • console.trace()

  • console.debug()


  • console.warning()

  • console.error()

  • console.log()

Also, uncaught errors and rejected promises will be recorded and displayed in our logs viewer.

Shortly, we will add support for timings, profiling, and more.

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