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Jira Integration

Efficient website feedback with Jira in a few simple steps.

Joe Scanlon avatar
Written by Joe Scanlon
Updated over a month ago

Collect website feedback as new issues directly in your Jira projects. With our 2-way synchronization, your issue status, fields, and comments are always in sync.

Set up a Jira Integration

Add a project

To get started, go to the dashboard and Create a project.

Complete the project form:

  • Project name

  • The website where you wish to collect feedback

  • Select your integration

  • Select the space within your integration where you wish to receive your feedback.

If this is your first time connecting, you must authorize to use your Jira account. Copy and paste your Jira Host, Jira Email, and API token into the Jira form.

Configure forms

We fetch your native Jira fields into your widget form. You can show/hide any fields and preset fields. For example, set yourself as an assignee, and you will be notified in Jira when someone reports feedback via the widget.

Note: members report through the Member form, while Guests and Public Reporters report via the Guest form. See more on that in our User Roles Guide.

Install widget

The last step is to install the website widget. We have many options for installing our widget and recommend our manual JavaScript install in most cases.

You can also decide to install the widget via the WordPress plugin, NPM package, or send a request to your developer in one click.

Visit your website, refresh and check that the widget appears.

How it works

Collect feedback

Reporters can submit their feedback directly to your Jira project without leaving their website. Their feedback will automatically include detail-rich technical data.

Let’s say the Contact Us button is broken on the About Us page. The reporter clicks on the widget and is presented with a screenshot and a feedback form to complete.

The screenshot can be annotated, and the feedback form can be as simple or as complex as you wish. We recommend keeping the feedback form as simple as possible for your non-technical reporters.

Review issues

In your Jira project, you see the feedback arrive with the screenshot and automatically captured technical data, including:

  • Page URL

  • Browser

  • Screen size

  • Operating system

Communicate with reporters

Communicate with your reporters directly from Jira

You can add comments to any feedback directly in Jira. These comments are set to be visible only to members. If you'd like your comment to be accessible to everyone visiting the feedback page, include the tag: #marker, in your comment.

Communicate with your reporters on the feedback page

Clicking the "Contact via" link will open the Marker Feedback Page. Here you can create interal comments for your team or external comments for everyone incliuding external clients.

Note: You can disable this functionality in your project settings as outlined here:

Synchronize Status

Once you update an issue status to “done” within Jira, this will update the status to resolved and notify the reporter via email that the issue is complete.

Jira account Best Practice.

A major benefit of using is that your reporters can submit feedback directly into Jira without having their own Jira account.

The Jira account you use to integrate with will be your default integration account. Everyone reporting feedback will appear to report from this account. Because of this, we recommend creating a Bot user in Jira.

We recommend our Integration Advanced Tips guide for tips on how to set up your users.


Is secure?

We take your data and the security of our systems very seriously, using the most advanced security to connect with your account. See the latest version of our security policy at:

How do I find my Jira URL?

  • Open your Jira account in your web browser.

  • Copy the address from your browser's address bar. In some browsers, you may need to tap or click the address bar to see the full URL.

How do I find my Jira Email?

How do I generate a Jira API token?

Which Jira product is my team using?

Open your Jira account in your web browser. If it contains, it means you are on the Cloud version. Otherwise, you are on a Self-managed instance.

Can I connect a self-managed Jira server to

  • If your Jira instance is on a local network that is not accessible via a public DNS, we will not be able to establish a connection.

  • If your Jira instance is publicly accessible and behind a corporate firewall, you will need to allow our servers using the IP:

What permissions are required to integrate my Jira product?

To integrate with Jira, the recommended approach is to use an account with Product Admin access for full functionality, including issue status and comment synchronization. However, if you do not have Product Admin access, you can set up a manual webhook as a workaround to enable issue and comment sync. For detailed setup instructions, refer to our Jira webhook guide.

What if I don't have the product Admin role available?

If you don't have the Product Admin role in Jira, you can still integrate by setting up a manual webhook. This allows issue status and comment synchronization without requiring full admin permissions. Follow our Jira webhook guide for step-by-step instructions on configuring this workaround.

Below is an example of what happens when you don't have enough permission to link to your tools using Jira and how to fix it by granting your user the "Product Admin" role.

I can't connect my Jira account to

Any issues setting this up? Try the following:

  1. Log in to your Jira account.

    Log in to Jira in a second tab. This ensures that your password and username do not require a captcha verification from Atlassian. When logged in to Jira, return to and try connecting your Jira account.

  2. Enter your Jira host correctly in the correct format.

    Enter your host following this format: Pay special attention to entering the "s" in the https*.

  3. If you're using Google Apps or two-step authentication to log into Jira, you must log in using an API Token instead of a password.

  4. Generate an API Token (Google Apps, 2-step auth, ..)

    Using a different log-in method like Google Apps, or 2-step auth, you should use a Token-based authentication method to connect Jira.

  5. Reset your password in Jira

    Try setting a new password in your Jira account or use the token-based authentication method mentioned earlier.

  6. Jira IP allowlisting may be enabled.

    Check is IP allowlisting is enabled on your Jira account, and if so:

    1. Select your organization if you have more than one.

    2. Select Security > IP allowlists

    3. Add our Jira Enterprise proxy

  7. Still not working?

    Please start a chat conversation with us in the lower right corner of your screen.

MyJira URL is

If your Jira URL follows the pattern rather than the standard

  • Select Self-Managed as your option.

  • In the field labeled Password, input your API key instead of entering your actual password.

How do I add custom fields in via the Jira Integration?

Custom fields are a powerful customization tool allowing you to add new field types and custom data specific to your workflow.

  1. Add custom fields in Jira.

    See the Jira Custom Fields guide for more details.

  2. Enable your custom fields from Jira on your forms

    • Select the relevant project

    • Widget Settings

    • Guest form (Or Member Form)

    • Unhide the custom Field by clicking on the eye icon beside the Field.

    • Save your form.

How do I set up a custom issue type within a Jira Classic project?

Issue types provide structure in Jira projects. They can be helpful if you want to show or hide specific fields from your website feedback reporters in

Add a new custom issue type within Jira

Here are the steps to create a new custom issue type within your global Jira settings.

  • Click on the Settings gear on the top right.

  • Choose issues. This will take us to the global issues setting page.

  • Here we can see all of our existing issue types.

  • Click Add issue type.

  • Give your issue type a name (for me, Website Feedback) and description.

  • Click add.

Add a new custom issue type to a Jira Project

Now, let's link the newly created custom issue type to an existing Jira project.

  • Select the appropriate project. Here I choose my Marker 101 project

  • Back to project

  • Project settings > Issues > Types > Actions

  • Edit issue Types

  • Drag the new custom issue type into "Issue Types for Current Scheme."

  • Save

Edit fields in your custom issue type

Here we learn to edit the fields in a custom issue type within a specific Jira project.

  • Select the appropriate project. Here I choose my Marker 101 project

  • Back to project > Project settings > Issues > Types

  • Select the appropriate Issue type you wish to edit (For me, Website Feedback).

  • Add/Remove fields as you see fit. I'm removing everything except Description, Summary, and Priority. This keeps it simple for our reporters to submit website feedback tickets.

See our custom issue type in action on Jira.

Now let's test out our new custom issue.

  • Select our project.

  • Create

  • For issue type, we select our newly created issue type, Website Feedback.

  • We see the available fields, Description, Summary, and Priority.

See our custom issue type in action on

Let's test this all out at as well.

Add your Jira project and follow the below steps.

  • Choose Guest Form or Member Form. I'm selecting the Guest Form.

  • Chose the new issue type, Website feedback, and save that.

  • When we click on the widget on our website, the fields we see match our new issue type.

  • We can send some feedback, which appears directly on our Jira project. How cool is that?

How do I delete an issue type in Jira?

Let's see how to delete an issue type in Jira

  1. Click on the Settings gear on the top right

  2. Chose "Issues". This will take us to the global issues setting page.

  3. Here we can see all of our existing issue types.

  4. Click on the three dots to the right of the issue type you wish to delete.

  5. Click delete.

  6. Confirm that you want to delete this issue type by clicking on Delete again.

Why is your template broken?

When a new required field is detected in your Jira issue type, we block all reporting for your Clients or Public reporters until you, the admin of the project, make this field visible.

You can either:

  • Show this field to your reporters in your widget form

  • Make this field non-required in your Jira issue type and hide it in

How do I use with more than one Jira Account?

See here for advice on setting up more than one integrated account on

How do I Restrict Jira Issue Types for Reporters

Are you looking to control the Jira issue types that your reporters can access? Currently on you can select a single issue type for your guest form while members can select all available Jira issue types. If you'd also like to limit the issue types to members please consider voting on that feature request here.

Here's an example of the guest form:

Guest Form:

For public reporters and guests

Allows submission of feedback via the guest form

Below is an example of the member form:

Member Form:

For members and administrators

Provides access to the member form for reporting feedback

Invite your team to collaborate on a dedicated JIRA project today with, where anyone can report bugs and feedback in seconds. We have many advanced features for you to explore. See Academy, which we continuously update with our latest features.

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