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Accessing Issue Pages
Accessing Issue Pages

Understanding Access Permissions for Issue Pages

Joe Scanlon avatar
Written by Joe Scanlon
Updated this week

We have updated our access policies for issue pages to ensure secure and appropriate viewing permissions based on user roles. Below is a detailed breakdown of the new policies.

Getting Started

When setting up your account, invite your internal team members as the first step. Here’s how to categorize your invitations:

  • Members: Invite project managers, developers, and QA teams to ensure full access to issues and comments.

  • Guests: Invite external reviewers and clients so they can view and comment on their issue, and track its status.

For a detailed overview of user roles, refer to our user roles guide.

Access Levels

Logged-In Members

Members have full access to all issues, except those from projects they are not part of.

Members can view:

  • Issue details: Name, Description

  • Metadata:

    • Basic Technical Details (e.g., browser information, screen size)

    • Custom metadata

  • Dev tools:

    • Session Replay

    • Console logs

    • Network requests

  • Comments: All comments, including member-only comments

Logged-In Guests

Guests can view guest and public reporter issues on projects they are specifically invited to.

Guests can view:

  • Issue Details: Name, Description

  • Metadata: Basic Technical Details

  • Comments: All public comments

Public Reporters

Public reporters can access only their own issues via a unique link sent to their email. The view of the issue page will be very similar to that of a guest.

Key points include:

  • Email-Linked Access: The link is tied to the reporter's email and cannot be shared.

  • Link Validity: The link remains active for 7 days from when it is sent. Reporters can request a new link via email if needed.

Summary Table

User Role

Access Level

Issue Details


Full Access

Name, Description, Basic Technical Details, Advanced Technical Information


Partial Access

Excludes Advanced Technical Information

Public Reporters

Limited Access

Issues via unique email-linked link.

View similar to Guest role

This table provides a clear overview of what each user role can access, ensuring you know exactly what to expect when interacting with issue pages.

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