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Automatically Identifying Reporters
Automatically Identifying Reporters

if your team already log into a system, we no longer need to ask them for their credentials

Joe Scanlon avatar
Written by Joe Scanlon
Updated over a week ago

When your users or team members are already logged into your web application, there's no need to burden them with extra steps to report feedback. By leveraging the snippet code, you can pass their credentials directly. This guide will walk you through setting up automatic reporter identification, making the feedback reporting process effortless for your users.

Benefits of Automatic Reporter Identification

  • Enhanced User Experience: Users won't need to manually enter their contact information to report issues, streamlining their experience.

  • Increased Efficiency: Automatic identification speeds up the reporting process, allowing users to focus on providing valuable feedback.

  • Personalization: When a user's email matches a account, they'll be prompted to log in for a personalized experience, linking their feedback directly to their profile.

How to Automatically Identify Reporters

To automatically pass your users' information to, you'll need to modify the configuration object within your web application. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Modify the Snippet

Insert the snippet into your web application's code. Within the snippet, configure the window.markerConfig object by providing your project ID and the reporter's information. Here's an example:

window.markerConfig = {
project: "Your_Project_ID", // Replace with your actual project ID from
reporter: {
email: "", // Dynamically set the user's email
fullName: "User Name", // Dynamically set the user's full name

Step 2: Dynamically Set Reporter Information

Ensure that the reporter's email and fullName are dynamically set based on the logged-in user's details. This typically involves updating these values in your web application's login function or user session logic.

Using the JavaScript SDK

If you're utilizing the JavaScript SDK, you can also set the reporter dynamically using the Marker.setReporter method:

email: "", // Dynamically set the user's email
fullName: "User Name", // Dynamically set the user's full name

What Happens If the Email Matches a Account?

When the email provided matches an existing user account, the widget will display a prompt encouraging the user to log in. This creates a seamless link between the user's feedback and their account, enhancing personalization and tracking.

Additional Customization: Capturing Custom Metadata

For an even richer reporting experience, consider capturing additional custom metadata. This can include details about the user's environment, the specific page they're reporting from, or any other contextual information that could help in addressing their feedback more efficiently.

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