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Status Sync in automatically syncs issue statuses with your tools to keep feedback reporters updated.

Joe Scanlon avatar
Written by Joe Scanlon
Updated over a week ago is all about collecting client feedback and syncing it with your preferred project management tools and issue trackers. The status synchronization feature is designed to keep feedback reporters updated on the progress of their issues.

Real-time Status Synchronization ensures that issue statuses are updated in real-time with your project management tool. For instance, if a Trello card is moved to a different list, its status will be automatically synchronized in

Automatic Issue Resolution

  • Custom Issue Statuses: offers three custom issue statuses: Open, Archived, and Resolved.

  • Setting Up Automatic Resolution: To utilize the Status sync feature for automatic issue resolution, go to your project settings and choose Settings > Status sync.

  • Automatic Feedback Update: When an issue status is updated to "done" in your project management tool, will promptly change the feedback status to "resolved."

Automatic Reporter Notifications

Whenever an issue is updated to the "Resolved" status, the reporter will receive an email notification. This ensures that reporters are always informed about the status of their feedback.

Additionally, invited users on your account can view all statuses in real-time and filter feedback based on these statuses.

Tracking Status Changes Within Your Tools

To minimize disruptions, adds a confirmation message in the comment section of your project management tool whenever an issue status is updated. This keeps your entire team in the loop.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I mark an issue as archived?

Archive or delete the issue in your project management tool, and it will be marked as Archived in

Can I re-open the feedback?

Yes. You can move the feedback to a non-resolved status in your project management tool, and the issue will re-open in A new comment will be automatically added to keep your team informed.

Can change issue statuses in my project management tool?

No. has "read-only" permissions on your statuses. Status auto-update is a one-way feature: status changes in your integrations are reflected in, not the other way around.

Can I update statuses manually in

You cannot change individual issue statuses with the status auto-update feature enabled. To update statuses manually in, disable the status auto-update feature for each project.

How do I enable/disable the status auto-update feature?

By default, all projects are enabled with status sync. You can disable status sync on a per-project basis. Navigate to your project Settings > Status Sync > Switch off the auto-update feature.

How can I match a status in my tools to the "Resolved" status in

Within each project, you can decide on the status that will correspond to a closed status.


  1. Go to your specific project.

  2. Select "Project settings" > "Status Sync" > "Status Auto-update."

  3. Adjust the settings to match with your desired tool's status.

For reference, here's how it's done in ClickUp settings:

And here is a Jira Example:

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